
Getting “a grip” (on MY back pain) — 2 Comments

  1. Actually, I don’t really understand this.”And where does the Alexander Technique come in?

    Don’t do this as an exercise with multiple repetitions!
    Slow down and explore!
    Do not hold your breath!
    Do not pull down and tighten your neck!
    Find the muscles you do not want to work: Gluteus Maximus, pelvic floor, abdominals, diaphragm, intercostal muscles…” And I DO want to ask you for your thoughts on my cerebellar ataxia which plagues my balance and ability to walk. My sister Deb S. lives in Cheshire; maybe I’ll catch up w/ you someday! Hope your back pain gets better. Try hot peppers? :>)

    • Hello Bob,
      Thank you for reading my blog and for engaging with its content.

      My description of muscles and how to squeeze them to stabilize the pelvis could be understood as an exercise program. That is not what I am trained to do and it’s not what the Alexander Technique is about. I wanted to share my discovery of a muscle group that is a bit tricky to locate and how the journey has helped me tremendously. In lessons I can offer a more quiet mind body approach to physical demands. I hope that makes sense.

      Working on balance is a part of my teaching with almost all students, the older we get, the more it becomes part of lessons. Over the years I also found that the most simple procedures of the Alexander Technique help symmetry and awareness and therefore balance.

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